
rotten trees can become a costly problem if they are not addressed early.

Get Your Yard Diagnosed


Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is always best to do when it is in its dormant season. This will help maintain the shape and appearance. There is a potential hazards of dead or broken limbs falling off at any time, making trimming a must. In addition, there is the occasional growth of trees getting too close to the utility lines and leaning over homes. Most importantly, the trimming away any affected branches or limbs improves airflow and provides needed shade.


Stump Grinding

It is extremely important to eliminate tree stumps in your yard. There are advantages in employing stump grinding when you are looking to improve the life of your trees. When a tree stump is left in the ground, the growth of other smaller trees will become another costly problem. Two major problems may form: 1. The stump can grow again into a new tree that will require additional removal or 2. The stump can begin to decay. The decaying of the tree stumps can attract insects similar to carpenter ants, beetles, and termites. This decay can inflict an environmental concern for the other trees that surround your home. Stumps also harbor diseases or fungi that may cause serious risk to any other plants.

Leaving a stump in the ground is also hazard to those walking around or for small to medium motorized equipment/vehicles.

Here at Grant’s Tree Service, we know the process of stump grinding. We can make it easy and efficient for your home. The process will be fast, not labor-intensive, no gapping-hole after construction, and environmental friendly. Give us a call today and find out how we can help!


Hurricane Preparation

Being a resident in the Sunshine State means odds are you will experience at least one hurricane a year. Taking the time to get your property hurricane ready will not only save you money but will also give you the peace of mind that money cannot buy. It is our experience, owners that wait until after the storm has done damage end up loosing irreplaceable items, need to take more time from work and are often displaced because the fallen tree has caused unlivable damage.

Grant’s Tree Service offers free hurricane preparation analysis. During the inspection, your professional estimator will put together the best plan of action for your property. He/she will review with you any trees or limbs that may cause any unforeseen problems. Often times a tree will appear healthy but has decayed and hollowed on the inside.


Tree Removal

The removal of some trees could help the other trees located around your yard grow naturally and healthy. There should be a removal of trees when it becomes a threat to your surroundings. Many negative effects can develop when there is an overlook on tree removal. However, if action is taken, you could experience the beautification that will be displayed in your yard. Let us not forget the hot commodity of shade that comes along with it.


Tree transplanting

After 40 years of operation, we have noticed property owners desire tree removal for several reasons.  

tree replacement

Often times trees are removed for cosmetic purposes only. If a tree has grown too large, a property owner might require its disposal. We are passionate about the growth of our planet and always recommend replacing your large tree with a smaller one.
