Emergency Tree Removal

We were called out to do an emergency tree removal. The family was in the home when a branch detached and fell on their home. The tree looked healthy from the outside but had decayed on the inside.

Completion time: Only 5 hours.


Removal of beautiful but massive tree on lake

Over the years, a beautiful tree grew in the middle of a community canal which provided access from the homes into the lake. The tree became extremely massive and blocked access. The city called us out to do an impossible job. The challenge was to remove the tree at its base which was under water.

Completion time: Only 6 hours.

Past project

Preparing for a hurricane

In preparation for an upcoming hurricane, this senior living community made a smart decision to remove branched that hung over several condos. The challenge for us was the tight spaces for our cranes to maneuver.

Completion time: 5.5 hours.


Tree removal on a difficult location

This job took careful planning. Not only were we tasked with removing the tree but the owners also wanted the stump removed. Being that the crane was parked several yards away, the crew had to have great communication. The operator relied only on the signals and instructions of the crew leader. Completion time: 7 hours.


Want to be our next success story?

With 40 years of experience, we have mastered the art of tree removal. Our company has the necessary heavy machinery to handle any job. Licensed and insured, with outstanding customer ratings we are ready to be your next success story!

Would you like a FREE estimate? Call us today!